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10.21.2002 - Christina Aguilera, No You Di'ent
You know, when she first hit the scene she was cute. Now she all porn industry. Just like Shazy said. "This is what happens when girls grow up looking up to Mariah Carey." The funny thing is, pop princesses these days always have to prove how much they have matured in the years between 17 and 21. There is a difference between becoming and adult and becoming an adult industry. Just because you are 21 doesn't give you an all access pass to be a hoe. I mean if these newly liberated and ultra mature 21 year olds want to be in the porn industry, thats cool. Go ahead and do it. Christina, put some clothes on and stop straddling people. Naked ladies can't sell records to girls that are their target audience, unless they lesbians. Ok, Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Christina Aguilera? Why does "Hoes, Hoes, Hoes, Hoes" come to mind when I see these girlies?
Here is a skanky play by play done by mtv on her new adult industry demo tape Dirrty.
:02 - Christina appears sporting chaps over underpants, exposing her derriere, a
popular look in the sadomasochist community.
:26 - Christina is
restrained in a cage, a method of restraint used by bondage aficionados.
:39 - On the wall behind Christina are signs in Thai script that read
"Thailand's Sex Tourism" and "Young Underage Girls" (see " 'Dirrty' Christina Aguilera Video Thai-ed To Sex Industry").
1:40 - Suddenly, Christina is dancing in a modified
schoolgirl outfit, which indicates "age play," in which adults take on the role
of children while acting out fantasies.
1:46 - We see a woman in a
hooded mask. While this mask appears to be a Mexican wrestling mask, it is
common for masochists to wear similar headgear.
2:34 - Christina and the
woman in the mask engage in a boxing match. When women who aren't trained
pugilists engage in a match for a group of men, it's known as foxy boxing. The
focus is not on the athleticism.
2:52 - A male dancer rubs his groin on
Christina. Let's move on.
3:05 - Redman, dropping by for his guest joint,
passes by a man holding a chicken, standing near small cages, hinting at an
afterparty cockfight.
3:25 - Redman also passes a smiling female
bodybuilder. A small subset of men fetishizes the muscular body type.
3:29 - The viewer is treated to a scene of male/female mud wrestling.
For many years, the sport of wrestling has been sexualized in bars and clubs
with barely dressed women taking on men in pits of Jell-O, pudding, or in many
cases, mud.
3:33 - Redman spots a fire-eating woman. We're not sure
that's a freaky sex thing, but it's certainly freaky.
3:36 - Redman,
still rapping, passes a group of people in bunny and chicken costumes, such as
you might see at an amusement park. This would seem to be a shout-out to the
furry community, people who are sexually attracted to furry characters and often
dress like them.
3:46 - Christina and her dancers are getting wild in a
men's room. They frolic near urinals while being sprayed with water. This
seemingly unhygienic move may be a reference to "water sports," a term for those
who find pleasure in getting wet in, shall we say, "unconventional"
4:31 - Finally, a perfect endnote. Christina is spanked like the
naughty girl she is.