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09.04.2002 - Love My Carpet!
Pooping in the lobby wasn't the only thing this Janitor did. Read Janitales on J-Dawg's Web site to learn more about this weirdo janitor.
This was taken from a conversation between myself and J-Dawg.
J-Dawg: the worst thing in the world happened today
J-Dawg: they fired the janitor!!!!!!
DraculaScream: nooooo
DraculaScream: why?
J-Dawg: he was disgruntled, and apparently over the weekend, left a "present" in the main lobby
DraculaScream: what?
J-Dawg: lol . . . he was laying some cable
DraculaScream: he pooped in the lobby?
J-Dawg: lol - YES!!
J-Dawg: can you believe that?!?
DraculaScream: was it alot?
DraculaScream: did you see it?
J-Dawg: I have no idea - but the guys who had to come in Monday found it
J-Dawg: they said the whole lobby smelled . . .
DraculaScream: hah hah, awesome
J-Dawg: So, they called the lease management company to have someone come out to clean it
DraculaScream: oh boy
DraculaScream: you need to write about that so bad
J-Dawg: so, nobody is allowed to use the lobby, we all have to use the side entrance
DraculaScream: even now?
J-Dawg: yeah - some "environmental" issue
DraculaScream: he POOPED in the lobby
DraculaScream: haAAhahahaaaa
J-Dawg: I laughed so hard when I heard about it
DraculaScream: that guy is the best thing that happened to you at your new job
J-Dawg: I know, I'm going to miss him
J-Dawg: so, today they were cleaning out his "office"
DraculaScream: when they told you what happened, how did they say it?
J-Dawg: where he kept his mop and stuff
J-Dawg: They basically said, 'Mike crapped in the lobby this weekend - they had to call someone in to clean it up"
DraculaScream: hahhahaaa
J-Dawg: And that he was terminated, and the new janitor starts next week
DraculaScream: i can't believe it
Later in the conversation...
J-Dawg: that's one of the main reasons we switched to Microsoft carpeting
J-Dawg: because it isn't compatible
DraculaScream: he pooped on the carpet?
J-Dawg: ha ha ha
J-Dawg: yeah!
DraculaScream: gross
J-Dawg: that's why they need to clean it
J-Dawg: and pull up the padding
DraculaScream: no wonder it smelled so bad
DraculaScream: was it in just one spot or all over the place?