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07.26.2002 - Golden Girls of Porns

Golden Heffazi have noticed recently that both of my parents have started watching Golden Girls alot recently. I thought it was something they do together but I cam downstairs one morning and my dad was watching it by himself. I thought that was kinda weird but then again. My dad used to watch Murder She Wrote, so I guess it isn't too bad considering. So I was watching a little bit and listened to the freakin dialogue. All these old hussies talk about is getting it on. They go on dates and do it with different people on every show. And it isn't just that skanky Rue Mclanahan either. Its all of them. Betty White was all "We done it before and I really like him and I want to do it again, but i don't know." Now, I know that even though they are old they still need to do they thing but DAMN, yo. I wish my parents would stop watching that stuff when people are around. I mean, have some freakin decency or something. And Golden Girls, shame on you for giving my parents more smut to watch. As if Three's Company isn't bad enough.