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06.18.2002 - Talking Scooby Doo
I went to Toy Works and bought a Megatron Megabolt
The guy in front of me was buying an electronic scooby doo. He kept saying that it wasn't working right to the cashier. After awhile he bought it and left. So ok, i'm just standing there with no expression on my face, waiting. Now, at toy works they have to aks everyone they sell to if they want batteries. I almost said to her "Why the crap would I want batteries, these toys [Megatron Megabolt] don't even use them." But instead said nothing. Then, out of the blue she says "I just got finished playing [the electronic] Scooby Doo with my son" to me. I looked at her and was quiet for a while. Trying to think of how to respond to this. So, I asked her what was so special about the Scooby Doo. She said "Oh, it talks." I asked her what it said. She replied with "Give me Scooby Snacks and Rut Roh" I looked her at her said "that was fun" smiled and walked away. While in my head thinking, "Why the crap did you just tell me that, you freak?"