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04.20.2002 - Danger!

Put you all in checkI was driving down 94 to get to Amie's house after work to play tennis. For some reason I was driving way too fast and missed my exit 2 times. I was trying to get off on Telegraph from 94 to turn around. So I was driving and everything then I see this crazy trailer hitch deploy from one of the trucks that is a lane and 2 cars in front of me. A second later the hitch gets into my lane and falls off the freeway. It hit the grass and looked like it exploded. I was about 10 cars length away from the whole mess so I wasn't in any danger. It was just wack to see that happen right in front of me. I had my mouth open in awe and pulled up closer to see the truck that deployed the hitch bomb. There was a Staples truck driver behind the actual launch truck. He saw the look on my face while I was trying to find the aggressor truck. He started laughing. That hitch scared the crap out of me.