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04.05.2002 - Dad, No You Di'ent
For the last few days Shaz has been telling me that she tries to talk to my dad when he is on the computer and he just shuts the door. She kept saying she suspected him of looking at porn. I thought it was funny and just dismissed it. He asked me a few days ago how to remove icons from a desktop. Now my dad can break any piece of electronic machinery instantly and become a total amnesiac as to how the thing was broken. So I was reluctant to tell him because if an exe. file is on the desktop, he might jack it. I asked him what kind of icon was he trying to delete. He got all shifty and went around the subject. After I asked him like 5 more times he got all flustered and yelled "Its one of those bad things, I don't know how it got there. There's a casino one up there too. I heard on the radio that there was legislation against these things."
Whoa, I looked at him and couldn't figure out how he could get a porno link on his desktop. The only thing I can think of is Save to Desktop, but that would've been a Browser Icon with the URL as the name. I couldn't stop laughing at his reaction. He got mad and said it wasn't funny
The best part happened yesterday night. He likes to pay his credit card bills online but I always have to go online and pay the bill. I was downstairs reading and he asked me to send the payment. He tried to be sneaky and already put all of the stuff in my room, because my Mac is in my room. I told him that I wanted to use the computer downstairs since I was already down there. He got all defensive and wanted me to use my Mac. I didn't accept that because I wanted to see what he was hiding on that computer so I used his logon ID on purpose. So he came up with the solution of making the transaction while oversaw. Things got too difficult for him and I took the driver's seat. I figured I'd take a look around and see what the big deal was. OH HELL NAW, I looked on the desktop there was an icon with straight up Boobs on it. I looked at the History and Bookmarks and there is a whole Adult folder in the Bookmarks with links to all these crazy porn sites. The History was worse because he actually went to them. The homepage default for the browser was a deadlinked porn site too. At this point, I am trying to fall over and die laughing. I suspect he opened up a porn site and clicked on a download that threw that stuff on the desktop and bookmarks. I immediately ran upstairs and told Shaz. I have never seen her laugh so hard. She was laughing for at least 5 minutes. We went downstairs to eat dinner and my mom was in the kitchen. Both of us were laughing really hard. My ma was trying to figure out why we were laughing. This went on for about 10 minutes. So now when I see my dad its really hard not to bust out laughing. |