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02.07.2002 - Teddy Ratxpin [But You and I Can't Be Friends Ever]
Ok, so I went to see a noise show @ the C-Pop tonight. Zbigniew Karkowski, Zipperspy and Jeff Karolski to be exact. Out of the 3 Jeff Karolski
was the best. He live DAT taped an air compressor and played it back. He did some good stuff with the loops. Zipperspy used a Speak & Spell Theramin
and a powerbook. Her set was very loud and choatic. Zbigniew's set was also done on a notebook and was pretty high on the ear hurting and choas tip.
Good show though.
Now, as I walked back to my car I saw this lump of flat something on the road. I walked past it
and didn't think anything of it. But for some reason I turned around and went back to get a closer
look at it. After inspecting it I realized that it was a Teddy Ruxpin sized flat ass big ass rat with its
inerds all over the place. It was so nasty but still kinda funny that they rats so big walking around the WSU campus.
Not to mention the fact that it was completely flat. But I think I already said that.