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11.22.2001 - Autobot Personality Destron Personality

I took the autobot personality test that Tarek linked to on his Web site. Here are the results.

If I was an Autobot, I'd be:
My Autobot Personality
Take the Transformers personality test at! Thats cool and all but I'm not too crazy about transforming into a red van from the 80's, not being able to fly, getting killed in the movie after one shot and talking with a southern accent. Sorry, Ironhide you didn't make the cut.

Deszaras Breastforce ID CardNow I know that I was an Autobot for Halloween. But that was because I found the perfect helmet which made the concept and costume easier.Can you withstand my Breast Attack, foo? I really think I'm a destron [decepticon] not an Autobot. Deszaras from the Japanese series Transformers Victory to be exact. I still think he was one of the best bad guys there is besides maybe Scorponok and Gigatron. He transforms into a bird, has cool wings is a Breastmaster and tries to take over the world. Actually, he is the leader of the destron Breastforce. All you hataz don't even hate on me for knowing so much about transformers. I might have to execute my bird and bat Breast Attack on you. By the way, Happy Thanskgiving, yo.