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10.23.2001 - I Wish I Had Infinity Gift Certificates
Last night was some pretty
good times. I went to A2 with Al. We ate and then went to Leopold Bros, which I think is a very nice place. We played some pool and somehow I became really good at it.
I normally suck at pool. But I beat Al 3 out of 4 last night, woo woo. He beat himself once so I guess I won only 2. But that is 2
times more than usual. Later on, I started some crazy talk with Al about how I think Jessica Simpson looks like a man.
We were sitting down and some people came and sat around pulled out some dominos. They asked us to play and showed us the ropes.
We played for 2 games [one of which took forever] and said bye to our dominos friends. Speaking of the dominos friends, more and
more freakier looking people kept meeting up with them. There was also a DJ there who played a set of really bad bad. It was grinding me when
people were dancing to the set. I wanted to hold them down and command them to stop.
Last night, I had a bad dream about my deceased cats re-living in my basement and being possessed by the devil. They were killing people that came
over. I suspect that the I am getting nightmares from the 80 degree indoor climate my fam keeps jacking up. They need to stop turning my room into a dry heat sauna.
I want to buy the new Aphex Twin - Drukqs [14.99] and Castlevania Chronicles [19.99] for PSOne today. I really wish I had infinity free gift
certificates for every store. I don't like having to watch how much I spend. But I have to since I am planning to see the Beta Band on Wednesday
and maybe Man or Astroman? all before Friday. Do you think they have gift certicates for St. Andrews Hall and the Magic Stick? Hell no.
I needs a job...real bad.