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10.21.2001 - Shamber Downriver Party Kick Off

Happy birfdaze Shawnie and Amber. I was really glad to see all my dawgs at Shamber's birthday at Buddy's. I haven't seen some of them in a long time. Ryan Snow, HOLLAAAA! Yeah, so I guess we [the downriver fam] are gonna hanging out alot more in the next few weeks. Joe Mc's, the Mix Tape party and whatever happens afterward. So I ate 4 squares of Chicken and Feta pizza. I think that might have been too much. I gotta make sure not to let myself get outta control. I don't need to be homeless and a Big Time.

Afterwards, I went over to see Death Cab for Cutie at the Magic Stick. I met up with Kryssa, Rachel, Al and Elissa. I grabbed a lolipop on my way out of Buddy's before leaving for the Stick. I walked to the show with the lolipop stick hanging out of my mouth. A bum stopped and asked me to sell him a cigarette for 50 cents. I told him that it wasn't a cigarette. He asked if it was weed. I replied with "naw, its a lolipop stick." He gave me a weird look and kept walking, hah hah. I saw alot of kids that I know there and I also saw Taco Bell Boyfriend. It was good times. I named a kid there. Grown Up Cabbage Patch. I really don't have to explain this one. Its pretty self explanatory. I bought the new Death Cab CD at the show. It was kinda smoky robinson in there. My clothes is stink.