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10.11.2001 - Toronto IV
So this is the 4th time I've been to Toronto since May. I am very happy to say that I had no problems
getting there or coming back, car or border. Some pretty funny things happened while I was there. When I got to my hotel
I paid with my transparent American Express Blue card. The Chinese attendant was so dazzled by the Blue.
He kept saying how cool it looked and about how he had never seen one before. He also said that it was so cool
that he was going to get one. I was really amused by his reaction. It seemed like the American Express Blue
was making all Canadians who came in contact with it love it and me and talk about it nonstop.
Here are some situations that stuck out in my mind. I met a girl in front of a Bubble Tea shop
to sell the extra Bjork ticket I had. While we were making the exchange I saw a drunk ass bum jump up immediately
because he saw the greens. He kept telling me to "Come here" while I was still talking to the girl. I was about
to say something like, "Can't you see I'm talking to someone, now scram you varmint," but I didn't. When he finally realized
that I wasn't gonna give him no moneys he told me to "Get out of his face." I started laughing, I mean how is he gonna
step to me, aks me for money and then tell me to get out of his face? Time out.
I was walking down the street with a hot dog in my hand. A street magician asked for the rest of my hot dog.
I gave him a HELL NO look and kept walking. Yeah, like I was about to stop and give it to him, BAS.
I went into a clothing store that seemed like it might have ok clothes. I walked in and all I saw were shiny shirts
and pants. One of the attendants pointed some shirts that she liked. I asked her if they had any "non-shiny" clothes.
The guy behind the counter said, "Yeah, we do have some boring clothes." Boring? I'm sorry if I don't want to walk around
looking like a weird shiny clown. And furthermore, I can go to Gadzooks and buy shiny clothes for a heck of a lot less
than that place (not like I ever want to). I almost started asking street people if they thought I looked boring, but didn't
because they would probably think I was taking Crazy Pills.
The rest of the time there I went out to eat at places that had dishes with Goat Cheese in them, window shop (cuz I ain't gots no moneys), look for clothes and look for CDs.
Which reminds me that Tower Records on Yonge is closed. Why does
Tower have to keep closing, Ann Arbor Tower I miss you. I was walking around Tower to see if they had anything worth buying and wanted to cry because all they
had were bootleg dollar 80s CDs of people that used too much hairspray. How many
more Towers have to close down before it stops?
I also saw "The Cure" a Japanese film about mental manipulation and killing. It was really good. I'm glad I forced
myself to get up and go to that. I really wanted to beat up the killer convincer in the movie though.
After Bjork let out I wanted to do something so I went to NASA, a bar near my hotel. I didn't really feel like
people interaction, I just wanted to relax. I went straight to the back and watched Stargate. The DJ was spinning house
like they always do. Then some kids brought out bongos and played supplements to the DJ. That was too much for me. Everyone
was happy and energetic. I wanted to be all like stop beating those drums so I can watch Stargate with no sound. I stayed there
for an 1.5 hours and took off...
Gilles, you are Number 1.