Brains » Current Brain · Old Brains
07.26.2001 - At Least She Doesn't Have to Change Her Last Name
I am so wiped out today. I feel like somebody came and took all of my powers
away. I have to go a wedding tonight which I am really not wanting to go to. It's for a family friend whose daughter is getting married to her 2nd COUSIN. See, for some reason it is ok for Pakistani people to marry their cousins. My ma always says "There's nothing wrong with that." I'm all "Hell Yeah, there is something wrong with that, its freaking natsy." I feel like I'm somehow supporting this unholy matrimony by attending. I feel like sleeping and I have to be here at work for 4 more hours.
Tropical Succubus - web application testing woman who always wears freaky tropical clothes and has so much energy because she sucks it out of anyone in close proximity.