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07.13.2001 - Gawd, Can Your Clothes Get Any Wacker?

So I was walking to work from the parking structure with J-Dawg and commented on the ghetto art sale that is going on in our lobby at work. The subject of women at our POE came up. Then I noticed a woman whose butt looked like a big fat pumpkin. Tell me how are you gonna work in the realm of health care and be so unhealthy, people in my building populace? I don't even understand it.

Street Walker 2001 [SW] - these women walk around with some gawdy ass short tight dresses with some bright accent color. usually gold or red. they also have some skanky looking hair, go-go boots and a matching purse.

Flight Attendants - these women walk around with dark colored business suits, bright white 80s leg warmer looking socks and white tennis shoes. they also roll around mini suitcases like flight attendants. maybe they're getting ready for their next flight to their homeworld.

While I'm on the work soapbox I might as well throw out some names we came up for people that work here.

Awesome!! Now I have a stunt double!Sarah Jessica Parker - hard lookin guy with long frizzy receding hair. he walks around with a comb in his back pocket. sometimes he combs and teases his nappy hair while walking. and then theres the teeth. they are all crooked and brown. don't step to this guy because he walks around with a look that emanates cool despite his horrifying appearance.

Spring Break Mullet - black guy that wears pimpy suits to work and has a long greasy looking mullet. his mullet is more than a party in the back, its a Spring Break in the back.

Chips Ahoy - client that screws up all of the time but never admits that its her faultiness. we saw her one day and she was a wearing a sailor-like navy jacket over a white shirt with horizontal red stripes. she is kinda heavy so thats where the chips come from. she also looks like Divine.

BAS, I ain't no Chips AhoyPoltergeist Pencil - this lady has the face of the scary evil old man in Poltergeist 2. she came over to my desk one day and asked for a pencil. i had a mechanical pencil and gave it to her. she didn't know how to use it. when we see her we sing "i'm gonna drink some tequila and spit you out." if you've seen Poltergeist 2, you know what i'm talking about.

Big Boy Monster - sasquatch lady that is like 7 feet tall.

I feel like I am transported to a planet of wack everyday I come to work.

Asif Ver. 3.00