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07.06.2001 - Scorching Yellow Slide

We had our company picnic at Belle Isle once again. First of all, I suck at Belle Isle. I drove around that stupid Island like 2X before finding where we were set up. After we ate and stuff we decided to go to the Giant Yelow Slide. Its a pretty good set up. One ride for $0.25 or 8 rides for $1.50. I walked over there with Brad we met up with Craig and Maggie from our area. I saw all these little kids doing crazy tricks like sliding on their stomach, backwards and all kinds of wack stuff.

Brad and I were gonna take our first dip. He was kinda scared because we were pretty high. The first descent was pretty rough for me. My tailbone kept hitting the bumps. Now remember this place is filled with kids. I'm on the slide yelling "OWWW, My ass!"

After the second descent Craig and I decided to slide backwards. Oh man that was a bad idea. For me, at least. I wiped out so hard and at one point was tumbling down the slide. Craig was fine. I was so "beat and busted."

Damage Report:
- My right elbow was friction burnt and yellow.
- The button on the back pocket off my shorts was ripped off.
- The clip holder thing for my cell phone had a yellow scrape on it.
- My dark blue shirt had yellow marks all over the back of it.
- And my bones was hurting really bad.

I would definitely ride the giant slide again. Now would I ride it backwards? HELL NO

Asif Ver. 3.00