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07.02.2001 - Cafeteria Suggestions (Extreme Typo Edition)
07.02.2001 Laura: "On Friday June 29, 2001 i planned on getting the chicken fettichini alfredo. However, you decided to change the menu without nofity us by updating the online menu, so i decided to have a pepperoni pizza, after i already started eating my pizza i realized that your pizza maker didnt put any pizza sauce on it and basically my lunch was terrible.............after that experience i decided to blow off what happened Friday and eat downstairs again, i planned on getting the burritto because i have always thought it was pretty good, but today i asked for a little extra salsa and sour cream and your server told me that i couldnt have any , so i said i'll pay for the extra condiments because i wanted them and your server refused to give me the extra, and the small solo cup had about 1 tablespoon of sour cream for the JUMBO buritto, i literally think its absurd that you refuse to give a little extra sour cream for the $3.45 you are charging us for a buritto when i can go to taco bell and get a buritto supreme for under $2.00, i dont mind eating downstairs but if your business practice is so petty on these things and your customer service is terrible then i wont be eating downstairs. i would like a reply to my email from a manager or the owner of this establishment........
07.02.2001 Patricia: "Why aren't the menu's ever done on Monday's when we come in? I was trying to see what's for lunch and I am unable to view. Thanks"
06.27.2001 Greg: "I have two questions regarding our cafeteria at BCBSM:
- What happened to the metal knives?
- Can we use travellers' checks to pay for meals?"
06.26.2001 Charlotte: "I believe that it is quite unfair that with the prices we must pay for the food in your establishment, we have to be limited to the amount of ice we are getting. The point in question, I needed some cold water and wanted some ice this afternoon, only to find the ice machine was shut off.
Don't you think its just a little unfair with the summers being hot and employees working late, we are not allow to have ice.
Its not bad enough that the prices are sometimes overly priced, and all the recycling of leftover food. When food is recycled to many time this causes people to get sick. I think that should also be looked into."
06.26.2001 Joe: "a current menus would be nice"