Brains » Current Brain · Old Brains
06.21.2001 - Dads, That Wasn't Not Funny
I recently scored some tickets to Radiohead in Chicago, I paid via credit card through Ticketmaster online. Anyways, I get this urgent call from my dads at 10 am. I didn't have my cell phone on at the time. I called him back at like 2pm to find out what was up.
He gets on the phone and tells me that some tickets came from Ticketmaster via snail mail and that he didn't know what they were for. He then proceeded to tell me that he called up Ticketmaster and cancelled them. When he told me this I pooped my pants. I freaked out so hard. I just kept saying "Why did you do that?" "Why didn't you call me before canceling them?" He was laughing while this was going on. I told him that I didn't think it was funny at all. He then busts out and tells me that he was just joking. My dads made me turn into a freak at work and talk really loud on the phone. I don't know where the idea to mess with me that way came from, but it was really funny. I actually believed him. I don't know where this sense of humor came from.
What a punk. |