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06.20.2001 - Roaches Roaches, Where You Is?

Give me yo burger, fattie. For those of you that do not know I work downtown. We are right by Greektown, like one block away so thats where we go out to eat.

One of our favorite dives was nicknamed the Roach Cafe for various factual reasons. Anyways, the food there is cheap, really good and the staff is cool. You just learn not to eat at the booths next to the walls.

We decided to go to Roach today for the usual. Everything was cool, the food was good. And then things went all buckwild crazy. I saw a little guy walkin around real fast near my plate and I was like "OH, HELL NO." I moved my plate and dropped my silverware in a roach frenzy. These 2 black ladies were asking "Is it a spider? Is it a fly?" We tried not to make a scene but those ladies kept asking. Brad answered the woman with "No, it's a roach." I tried to capture him with an ashtray to no avail. Our little starting heading toward J-Dawg's plate. I was telling J-Dawg to lift his plate because it looked like the roach went under it. It was actually in his fries and crawled out while the plate was in his hands, that is juts natsy. The roach crawled to the edge of the table and J-Dawg pushed it off with the ashtray. It headed toward the bar and was making rounds on the floor mat. We were looking at it the whole time. Brad said "Will you guys stop looking at the roach." So, we ended up getting our food for free and J-Dawg got his food replaced and took it back to work with him. We are taking an extended leave of absence from the Roach. By the way, I dropped my headphone cord on my leg and jumped so hard because I thought it was a roach.

Post Lunch Quotes:
Brad: "After the first time we said we couldn't sit in booths anymore. The second time we sat in a booth verified this. Now after sitting at a table I think next time we should at a table under the light."
Asif: "This place is on probation."
Asif: "Hell no, I didn't want to touch that thing and get eggs on me. I ain't no babysitter."
J-Dawg: "That is so gross."

Asif Ver. 3.00