Note: This entry is told from my perspective. I couldn't catch everything. If you have any quotes or anything else you want to add let me know and I'll throw it in. I'd have to say this is the craziest New Year's I've ever had. Even though it was only 2 days/nights, it was a freakin blast. We packed alot of stuff into those 2 days. For ease of Identification, I'm going to split the rooms up by hotel booking individual. Team Asif: Asif, Elissa, Krick, Rachel, Tarek & Reyna The trip started on my end when E came over to pick me up. We had a pretty good drive from Detroit to TO. We ran into Team Nelsie @ a service station, which was so wack. We headed up to TO from there jamming to Aaliyah and New Edition. Team Nelsie, E and I met up @ the hotel and went out for din din. We was getting crazy at the table from the get go. I forgot what was said @ table but there was some good quotes. We went back to the room to recoup before the rest of our team came by. I went downstairs for 2 reasons. 1] to poo and 2] to see if the rest of our Team got to the hotel. So I have the restroom in my sights and see the rest of our team come in. Tarek decided that he had to go to the bathroom to and that started the concourse pooping trend. When everyone was settled, we tried going to a bar. We hopped a few times and ended up at the Bishop & the Belcher where all the drinking and drama started. We hopped to another bar after they closed. We stopped for food @ Mr. Sub/Pizza place. There was some weird freaks working there Krick got reprimanded for taking a napkin and this crazy ass janitor was talking conspiracies. Great way to end the night! We got back to the hotel @ about 3 and talked way too much. We went to the Pickel Barrel for breakfast the next day before going shopping. We ended up checking out some vintage clothing stores while Sarah & Nelsie went to Lush and Snow, E and CatSnake went to the Gap. The vintage store was wack and smelled like a BO basement or the Bang! They had these crazy mannequins all over the place. I ended up buying 2 shirts. Tarek became obsessed with buying a red leather jacket. Krick almost bought some too tight leather jeans. Reyna was walking around with one shoe while dragging the the attached shoe with her. She also tried on this kick-ass leisure suit that she didn't end up buying because of the tightness. Rachel bought a Puma shirt. We met up with everyone else and tried to go somewhere else but gave up at one point and just headed back to the hotel. We spent about 3 hours in our room watching tv. We watched this crazy kids show with 2 weird guys and a crazy talking jumping lemur. It was hilarious. They put this normal lemur on a stand and fed it a peanut. After eating the peanut it got all crazy, grew 2 feet and started talking. We also watched the Boogathon on MuchMusic which pretty much stayed on the rest of the night. I needed to make a trip to the concourse and was immediately joined by Tarek, Krick and E. The next few minutes was so funny. Tarek, Krick and I were in the stalls plopping, laughing, farting and laughing. It was hilarious. My stomach was hurting so bad from laughing. It was a great bonding experience. Team Nelsie came down and we watched the Boogathon for awhile. We then headed over to Kryssa's room. All ghetto broke loose when we finally got up there. Kryssa's bathroom served a dual purpose: Bar [the tub was filled with drinks] and Bathroom. There was 12 people in that room so drinking cups were pretty limited. Given they give you a total of 6 glasses/coffee mugs per room we had to improvise. Krick drank out of a coffee pot, Nelsie drank out of a sugar cup and coffee filter and Rach + Reyna drank out of the ice bucket. We got real lit up in that room. It was awesome! The combination of the drinks, the ghetto, the videos, CatSnake Nips, Rec Center Sit-Ups, dancing with a wine-y washcloth on a CatSnake head and dancing with a shower cap made it so much fun. We headed over to Nathan Phillips Square for the Much Music New Years Gala. Everybody wanted to get up to the front. I was determined to get up there. We stopped by in front of the ice rink, though. The canadians around us were pretty tame. We on the other hand was going nuts. Dancing and yelling like crazy. Someone said the band playing was B2K and we all went nuts chanting B2K. The new year came and we walked towards the subway chanting B2K and yelling the whole way there. It was pretty cool. Like a mob walking the skreets of Toronto. Anyways, we get into the packed subway station and get on our train. We were doing Brian Fellow on the subway and somehow the subject of Niki Galli came up. As we were leaving, some girls that were listening to us told us to "take care of our skank." I instantly got really pissed off because no canadian is gonna be calling anybody I'm with a skank. Someone mentioned our Niki Galli convo, so I let it go. We got to the interchange and Sarah was super flustered with pee pain. We waited for like 10 minutes for Rachel and Sarah to pee. We hit the the photo booth after that. That was alot of fun because we were all scrambling like madmen to get everyone in. Stupid weirdly timed photo booth. We got to Lee's and I went to the bathroom. I immediately saw I'm Brian Fellow! written on an ad in the bathroom. Nobody believed me but I made sure I showed CatSnake. So myself and CatSnake went up to the dance floor, which was giga-crowded. I noticed some space on the stage and headed for it. Not long after, everybody got up on stage. It was awesome. Detroit was representin on the Toronto stage. We danced for like 3 hours straight. Everybody was going nuts because the music was so on. We left Lee's around 3:30AM and witnessed the Bloodbath on our way to the hotel. And walking like zombies because we couldn't hail a taxi. When we finally got back to the room, our beds was filled with CatSnakes and Nelsies. I just wanted to go to sleep. They were watching some soft porn. Crazy asses. The next morning was super hard. I got up @ 10 and took a shower. I was putting all of my stuff away and Rachel woke up due to the rustling plastic bag noise. She was making fun of me because I put all my dirty clothes in plastic bags. So we all got up and went downstairs. We all split up because we was all tired and crabtowns. E and I spent like 20 freakin minutes in the hotel garage. Went to this wack suburb Harvey's where I had to use the the employee bathroom, E had to ask for creme and crazy mullets was all over. On the way home, I was hallucinating pretty bad. At one point I said what to E, who wasn't even talking. We also got trapped on the bridge to the U.S. for 45 minutes. All in all, it was the best time I've had even with all the drama and trouble. Thanks for an awesome New Years, yo. |